On the Night of the 8th of February 1904, our Brave Fleet of Torpedo Boats Fired at the Russian Squadron at Port Arthur and Sank the Enemy's Three Battleships. What a Brilliant Success!
Migata Toshihide
(1863 - 1925)
DateFebruary 1904
Mediummulticolor woodblock print; triptych
Dimensions(L) 37.5 x 25 cm, (C) 37.5 x 25 cm, (R) 37.5 x 25 cm.
Credit LineMember's Council Asian Art Fund
Object number2000.80
DescriptionRusso-Japanese War triptych illustrating the surprise attack on Russia’s Far Eastern Fleet at Port Arthur that initiated the war. A large torpedo-boat is at the center. Two Russian ships at the upper left have been hit and are sinking. Three Japanese battleships are at the upper right. The title cartouche at the upper right describes the scene in both Japanese and English as “On the night of the 8th of February 1904, our brave fleet of torpedo-boats fired at the Russian squadron at Port Arthur and sank the enemy’s battleships. What a brilliant success!” The print is signed at the lower left Migita Toshihide (1863-1925) and dated 2nd month of Meiji 37 (1904).On View
Not on view20th century
Kobayashi Kiyochika 小林 清親