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Right Greave
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Image © Worcester Art Museum, all rights reserved.

Right Greave

Datelate 16th–early 17th century, with decoration from 19th century
Mediumreblued steel and brass with gilding and modern leather and velvet
Dimensions34.7 cm (13 11/16 in.), 1 lb 4 oz (weight)
ClassificationsArms and Armor
Credit LineThe John Woodman Higgins Armory Collection
Object number2014.1160.12
DescriptionThe greaves are in part probably Italian, ca. 1590-1600, composited and greatly re-worked (cf. to those of our “Pompeo” harness, acc. # 425 in Grancsay, pp. 102-3; the greaves of the Tower components group II.85, discussed under Breastplate, above).

These are each formed as a three-quarter-closed greave of two associated plates secured with a set of hinges on the outer face. The front plate with medial ridge is shaped to the shin, ends in an arch above the ankle, and has its face later embossed en suite as the cuisses.

At the ankle the frontplates appear to have been either cut down from a full-length greave with sabaton, or else the form with lamination to a mail bootee (both not present). There is no embossed provision for the ankle-bones.

The upper edge of the right greave has a pair of “V”-shaped nicks at the proper right, and both greaves have a pair of later turning pins (one at the right of the right greave is re-mounted above the original hole) for the poleyn.

Centered on the upper part of the right greave (only) there is a cast iron, chased and parcel-gilt lion’s mask, apparently associated, and comparable to the mask on the backplate, secured with a pair of brass floral rivets (one at right is lacking); the left greave has the mounting holes, but lacks the mask. The image in Asselineau suggests that this asymmetry was already in place by 1845, though oddly there are masks on both greaves in the Richards sale plate.

A set of modern, floral-rosetted brass rivets secure a transverse set of modern leather straps that engage trapezoidal buckles (right: lower restored, other associated; left: both modern) fitted to the edge of the rearplate. The greaves are hinged at the outer edge of the frontplates. The right greave has a modern hinge above, and a riveted leather strap below. The hinges of the left are old, but associated and not a pair. All are secured by the decorative rosettes used throughout.

The rearplates are drastically re-worked from full plates, and later formed with a medial ridge, the upper and lower edges inwardly turned and roped (traces of roping are found at the lower outer edge of the right greave frontplate as well); the inner upper edge also has signs of the beginnings of a sunken border.

Both greaves have a set of star rivets in apparently older holes above each of the hinges.
ProvenanceEx-collection of prince Peter Soltykoff (St. Petersburg, Russia, ca. 1845) le Chevalier Raoul Richards (Rome, Italy, no later than 3 March 1890) V.R. Bachereau (Paris, France, 1890(?)-1892/4(?)) Lazzarone (Italy, 1892(?)-NLT 10 December 1894) Oliver H.P. Belmont (NYC and Newport, RI, post 1894) Clarence H. Mackay (Roslyn, L.I., NLT 1939) Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc. (NYC, to 18 July 1939) Purchased by Museum on July 18, 1939 from Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc (NYC), agents for estate of Clarence H. Mackay. Higgins Armory Museum (Worcester, 18 July 1939-2014) Collection transfer from Higgins Armory, January 2014.
On View
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late 16th–early 17th century, with decoration from 19th century
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about 1500 (rearplate modern)
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workshops of Wolf and Peter von Speyer
about 1590–1600
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workshops of Wolf and Peter von Speyer
about 1590–1600
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workshops of Wolf and Peter von Speyer
about 1590–1600
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