And the Devil who seduced them, was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, or is the Beast and the false Prophet (Et le Diable qui les seduisait, fut jete dans l'etang de feu et de soufre, ou est la Bete et le faux Prophete)
Odilon Redon
(French, 1840–1916)
Mediumlithograph on chine applique
Dimensionssheet: 41.8 x 34.3 cm (16 7/16 x 13 1/2 in.)
Markingssigned in plate, l.c.: "Odilon Redon"; signed in pencil, l.r.: "Odilon Redon"
Credit LineMuseum Purchase
Object number1919.104
ProvenanceEhrlich Print Gallery, New YorkOn View
Not on view