Ancient Egyptian
DateMiddle Kingdom, about 1980–1760 BCE
Dimensions48.9 cm (19 1/4 in.)
ClassificationsCostumes and Accessories
Credit LineMrs. Kingsmill Marrs Collection
Object number2001.114
Descriptionsingle strand necklace of garnet beads, purplish brown in color, graded in sizeLabel TextThe garnets that were available to ancient Egyptian lapidary artists were typically a dark, brownish-red. They are considered less desirable by today’s standards because the specimens are often small and can fracture easily. During the Middle Kingdom, their use was largely relegated to inlays and beads, especially spheres, barrel-shaped beads, and small chips pierced for stringing. Later, during Classical times, dome-shaped garnets (cabochons) were sometimes bezel-set in gold.ProvenanceFormerly of Mrs. Kingsmill Marrs Collection; bequeathed by Mrs. Kingsmill Marrs to the Worcester Art Museum, 1925–1926 as 1925.324; transformed in 2001 through conservation work.
On View
On viewCurrent Location
- Exhibition Location Gallery 113
Ancient Egyptian
about 2030–1650 BCE, Middle Kingdom (and later)